Sunday Service - September 6, 2020

At today’s online worship service, Rev. Jesse Larson continues his talk on The Myth of Scarcity, leading off with the retelling of “the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000” (Luke 9: 12-17). He poses this and other questions to us: How do we take leaps of faith on behalf of love and hope, rather than fear and scarcity?

Today’s scripture reading reminds us that having faith in Jesus Christ, when combined with our own gifts, enables us to do miraculous things.

Our faith, ministry and hope at the turn of the millennium are that the Creator will empower us to trust his generosity, so that bread may abound.
—Theologian Walter Brueggermann

During the latter part of the service, have ready your favorite beverage and bread … and partake of communion with Pastor Jesse. 

Bethany Music Director Dr. May Tuan Tucker and guest musician John Doolittle enrich the service with their presentation of several musical selections.

NOTE: Because of technical difficulties, you will experience occasional blurriness and lapses in sound. Apologies for the errors.