Sunday Service • October 4, 2020

World Communion Sunday

Rev. Jesse welcomes everyone to Bethany's World Communion Sunday service, held the first Sunday in October each year. He poses the question: "Why are you a Christian?" He relates how throughout the hundreds of Christian denominations, and thousands of cultures, the vision of Christianity can greatly differ. Yet despite the variations, millions of Christians today will be taking communion—a word which means “togetherness”—in solidarity. Our worship experiences may be not be identical, but we all share the promise of life everlasting through Christ. Rev. Jesse says, "Pain and grief will not define us. Goodness will conquer evil; death will not have the final word." You are invited to fetch bread and a beverage and follow along with Jesse as the service concludes with communion. Today’s scripture reading is Philippians 3:4-14.

Music Director Dr. May Tuan Tucker presents several pieces, including:

  • Shall We Gather at the River

  • I Walked With God This Day

  • Bread and Wine

  • He Hideth My Soul

  • To God Be the Glory

View the special decorations by clicking on the cross, below.