Sunday Service • October 11, 2020

Bethany today welcomes to its pulpit elder Jim Guida, who begins the service with the scripture reading Philippians 4:1-9. His sermon, entitled The Fairer Text, considers the important role women have played in the life of both the historic and modern day church. Jim states, "That women are an important part of the church has never been in question." He goes on to tell of women leaders mentioned in the bible, as well as those in our contemporary lives whose legacy we will cherish. He concludes, "We are a church of equality, a church that Paul writes of in Galatians 3:28. That is our blessing. That is our Bethany.”

Bethany Music Director Dr. May Tuan Tucker plays several pieces, including:

  • Brethren, We Have Met to Worship

  • Fairest Lord Jesus

  • Blessed Assurance

  • What a Wonderful World, with vocal soloist Glena Jue

  • and—in honor of today’s sermon topic and to memorialize the life of the late singer Helen Reddy—I Am Woman, written by Bay Burton