Prepare the way of the Lord!
Friends in Faith:
This Sunday, December 10, is the second Sunday of Advent—we'll be lighting the Candle of Peace. Our text is from Mark 1:1-8—John the Baptist tells us to "prepare the way of the Lord." We'll spend some time reflecting on making plans for the future. Our choir is hoping to sing for each Sunday of Advent—yay! Natalya begins playing our “gathering music” at 10:20 a.m. You can also join virtually here: Facebook Live. More details about worship can be found here.
A special meeting of the congregation has been called for this coming Sunday (December 10) immediately following the worship service. Earlier this year, it had been anticipated that due to budget constraints, the position of pastor would have to be reduced to part-time status. Bethany’s Session last week determined that this position could remain full-time through at least April 2024. So the congregation is required to vote on this change—the pastor’s "terms of call for 2024." Session members will be available to help answer any questions you may have.
The monthly "Reaching Out" days are continuing! This special day involves offering a variety of donations and resources for folks in need in our communities and is offered through a partnership among Bethany, Faith Presbyterian, and the SSIP Food Closet. Susan Just is the point person for Bethany—please reach out to her if you have any questions or would like to get involved. The next "Reaching Out" day is this Saturday, from 1-3 p.m. See you then!
Our final session of the 4-week class on "Spiritual Gifts" will be held in the Social Hall at 10 a.m. on Monday, December 18. A free lunch is served after our time of discussion—join us!
Our Christmas Eve service will be held at 5 p.m. Please note that 12/24 falls on a Sunday, so we'll be gathering for both our morning service and our Christmas Eve service that day.
On Sunday, December 17, all are invited to bring a special creche scene to worship where they will be displayed for the service. Details are here.
As a church family, we are a community that is committed to caring for one another. One of the ways that we can support one another, loved ones and strangers, near and far, is to offer our prayers on their behalf. We share our prayers because we care for one another, and we know that God listens and cares for all of God's children. If you have a joy or concern to share, please let me know; and if it is a confidential matter, please be sure to let them know. And don't forget that we have a prayer team who is committed to praying for any and all prayer concerns that come forward. You can reach out to Barbara Greene with your prayer concerns and she'll share them with the prayer team.
Hear our prayers, O Lord!
Peace to all.