World Communion Sunday Celebrated October 1

Bethany observed World Communion Sunday—the day Christian congregations throughout the planet all take communion together—at the October 1 worship service. Jim Guida presented the “moment for mission,” telling us of his recent trip to Tanzania and mission efforts underway there. He showed a photo of Mercy, the high student whose education Bethany is helping to support. A dramatic reading featuring Rev. Jesse Larson, Jim Guida and Barbara Greene amplified the Apostle Paul’s urging of the people of Ephesus to “become one” with others through Christ. (Ephesians 2:11-22) The choir, led by Barbara Greene and accompanied by guitarist Manh Ong and pianist Natalya Guerrero, sang .”What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”

Many thanks to those who contributed items from their own collections to help decorate the worship table!