Administrative Commission Update • July 16, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Bethany, 

On behalf of the Administrative Commission let me share a word of encouragement. You remain very much in our prayers as you think and talk together about God's plans for the future of the fellowship, and of Bethany's ministry life.

As you think about the future, I'd like to speak three hopeful thoughts.

First, while decades of decline in energy, participation, and resources have become an existential challenge, there is a spark of life and hope shared by the leaders who now carry the immense burden of maintaining church life and presence in South Sacramento.

Second, the life of any church—like the lives of Jesus' followers—belongs to our Lord and not to us. And because this is the Lord's Church, it will be His resources that we draw on, His plans that we seek, and His purposes that are fulfilled. We commit it all to our Lord.

Third, God loves the Bethany fellowship even more than we all do! Even in the face of difficulties and challenges, He still holds you in His loving Hands. And He continues to say what He has said throughout scripture: "Behold, I am making all things new!" (Revelation 21:5) This is the Lord of transformational new life. And that is really good news!

Over these few weeks together, we have said goodbye to your former pastor—we have begun to complete church business that is long overdue —and we have started to look for our Lord's leading in conversations that "Focus the Future."

Next Sunday, July 21st, we will meet again after worship, to talk together about the real needs of this moment. And we will continue to ask how God wishes to speak to us (and through us) to guide the next important steps in discerning the future.

We are approaching a moment when the Bethany Fellowship must make decisions about the sustainability of the current ministry structure, and about what new hope God may be leading toward.

If you are able to be with us for worship and conversation, I hope you will make this a priority, and bring your prayers and a kindly, creative, hopeful spirit as we again "Focus the Future" for this beloved fellowship.

Wishing you blessings as we seek the Lord together,
Rick Hull