Administrative Commission Update • September 3, 2024

Dear Members and Friends at Bethany Presbyterian Church, 

First a quick personal note. Take it from someone with over 50 years' experience working with elders all across our denomination, you have a really good Session. The five elders who are serving right now as "Elder Shepherds" come together with good hearts, positive hopes, good skill sets, and forward-looking perspectives.

As the Administrative Commission partners with them, we have seen massive steps forward in hope, in love, and in ministry progress.

The other day, Jackie Sneed recommended to the AC that we send out regular notes on the progress of Session business, just to let members know about steps forward. Great thought!

So this note will begin a periodic mailing. Sometimes it will be a "Session Digest" to lift up the movement of the Bethany ministry and mission. Sometimes it will be reflections on our larger work together. And always it will be to promote good (and uplifting) communication in the family.

Here are a few take-aways from the August 28th Stated Meeting of the AC/Session.

  • Rev. Hull led an opening devotion based on Philippians 4:12-13 and Paul's assurance that "I can do all (needed) things in Christ who strengthens me..."

  • The Session celebrated the completion of the fence, and the reduced trash and messes on the campus...

  • In keeping with the church by-laws and the instructions of the Presbytery, corporate officers were elected to represent Bethany Presbyterian Church in issues of secular business. These officers will remain in place until such time as the Administrative Commission concludes its partnership with the Elder Shepherds of Bethany...

  • The matter of the "per Capita apportionment" was addressed. This annual contribution that every Church makes toward the infrastructure expenses of the larger church allows each church in the Presbytery to pay its share. This is calculated based on the active membership of the church, and this figure is now under study for accuracy before Bethany makes its payment...

  • A request from Grace Church was received for some additional storage space on campus, and elders were designated to confer with Grace leaders and make added space available...

  • It was noted that there is significant need for deferred property maintenance issues to be addressed...

  • Reports were received and celebrated concerning:

    • Progress in worship planning and the securing of guest preachers...

    • The on-going Spiritual Formation developments in Bible and discipleship subject studies...

    • The "Reaching Out' monthly mission project jointly undertaken by Bethany and Faith Presbyterian members, and others in the community who have joined the work...

    • It was noted that on Sunday, September 1st there will be another "Focusing on the Future" conversation after worship...

    • Hopefully there will be a comprehensive finance report to the elders at the September AC/Session meeting...

    • Several ministry options were discussed, as the Session looked into examples of ministry models that churches in decline are exploring throughout the denomination.

    • There was additional conversation about how ministry models are evaluated. I was anticipated that this would be a part of the September 1st "Focus on the Future."

  • Throughout the program-oriented discussions, emphasis was placed on the primacy of ministry and mission on the campus, and that the campus is a tool of those ministries.

It was a busy and productive meeting.

With you in Christ,
Rick Hull