Session Update • July 11, 2023

July 11, 2023

Dear Bethany Members,

As summer moves along, Session wanted to provide you with an update concerning our exploratory conversations concerning Bethany’s future.

In early June, Rev. Jesse met with Rev. Brett Shoemaker of Faith Presbyterian Church and Maggie Harmon of the Presbyterian Foundation. As they chatted, they recognized that this prospective relationship between Faith and Bethany would be an acquisition/absorption as opposed to a merger. Session has acknowledged that Faith would probably only receive a small number of Bethany's members. We also may be unable to make the compromises necessary to move forward with this prospective relationship, and that’s fine. Indeed, during our May 21 special congregational meeting, few seemed concerned with merger, but most questions concerned Faith’s theology and stance on LGBT issues. Many simply feel that Faith may be conservative in its leaning and wouldn’t feel comfortable attending. 
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit continues to blow, and it seems that with each passing week, new opportunities arise. Many have wondered why we have not considered merger with Grace Presbyterian Church. Rev. Jesse met with Pastor Philip Trinh some months ago to explore this possibility. At that time, it was unclear if Grace wanted the building or could bear the financial burden. Pastor Philip has since spent the past few months discussing this issue with his Session, and they have now shared that they are eager and ready to take on the responsibility of the building. 
So Bethany’s Session is now exploring the possibility of merging with Grace—we think it’s an exciting option that makes a lot of sense. Our two respective Sessions will soon meet to brainstorm how this relationship might work. Bethany’s Session is currently in the process of identifying Bethany’s “wish-list” that we’ll bring to the table to create the most agreeable terms for our congregation. Rest assured that as we identify the best plan for Bethany, a congregational vote will be taken to move forward.

Session asks your continued prayers for wisdom and faith in our discernment in this process. 
In Christ,
Bethany’s Session
Rev. Jesse Larson, moderator; Grace Ogata, clerk; Ron Carlsen; Jim Guida; Juli Jensen; Susan Just; Candace Keefauver, Debbie Leibrock; Cathy Sapunor; Jackie Sneed