Session Update • October 24, 2023

October 24, 2023 Session Meeting Recap

Report from Pastor Jesse Larson

  1. We'll be purchasing and installing two "automated external defibrillators” (AEDs)—one in our kitchen and the other outside of the main office. These devices can be used by anyone in the event of cardiac arrest. We have so many people using our facility, especially many older folks, so such a device can help to save lives at Bethany.

  2. Keith Atwater, the music director at Carmichael Presbyterian Church and the director of the Pacific Institute of Music in Folsom, learned that we might be willing to lend our chimes/bells as they are not in use.  So Session has granted his request to borrow our chimes/bells—we are happy that they can be used by his choirs.  If and when we need them back, they'll be returned with much gratitude.  

  3. Elders Jackie Sneed and Cathy Sapunor recently completed a communion training for Ruling Elders. Our Presbytery is offering more and more training for lay leaders in a time when finding a pastor can be difficult.  As of our November 4 Presbytery meeting, Jackie and Cathy will be approved by Presbytery to serve communion—and our session approves, too!