Session Update • June 28, 2022

Reported by Rev Jesse Larson

Bethany’s Session met in person and via Zoom June 28, 2022.

  • We approved approximately $35,000 (plus other costs for dry rot mitigation, labor, etc.) for the repair of some sections of our roof (the Social Hall and breezeway). The work will be completed by GI Roofing. We'll be using funding from Bethany’s Centennial Fund. Other roofing repairs are pending the receipt of bids.

  • We approved approximately $650 to be taken from the "Gifts and Memorials" account to cover the cost of 50 copies of Sailboat Church. Session wanted to make sure that all Bethany members have access to this book so that we can all participate in this book study together.  

  • The pastor’s leave of absence was approved; he'll use one month of vacation time and continuing education time—the other month will be unpaid. But Bethany will continue to pay the monthly Board of Pension dues to ensure that Rev. Jesse's health insurance and pension are paid. 

  • A new directory and a calendar of events for the 2022-2023 program year will be distributed in early September!  

  • Robert Madrigal is now only going to doing evening walk-throughs/lock-ups at Bethany. He was working for us on Mondays, but he now has full-time duties at Westminster Presbyterian downtown, so Mondays were no longer possible. Robert and Lety Lopez continue to clean for us a few days a week, but we may run into more messes outside. If this happens, let Ron Carlsen know—he works with Grace Church to help arrange for volunteers to take care of the facility. 

  • Session is exploring a variety of ideas for Bethany's long-term feasibility or even transforming into a new worshiping community. We are discussing the possibility of merger with a like-minded church, "federation" which is like merger but with a church of a different denomination, a "yoked" pastor which is when two churches share one pastor, etc. We are praying for the Spirit to help us in this important discernment process. Rest assured that no decision will be rushed into, and we'll also include the congregation in the discussion if and when we find we are ready to move forward. 

“Session” is the leadership body at a Presbyterian church. Its members are elected for three-year terms and are entrusted to lead the congregation. Elders are called to be spiritual leaders, strengthening and nurturing the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge.

Bethany’s session is currently made up of the following elders:

Pastor Jesse Larson - moderator
Grace Ogata - clerk
Diana Bachelor - Elder at Large 
Ron Carlsen - chair of Plant and Facilities
Diana Bachelor - Elder at Large 
Vacant - chair of Worship and Arts Commission
Juli Jensen - chair of Personnel Commission
Candace Keefauver - chair of Evangelism Commission
Debbie Leibrock - chair of Budget and Stewardship
Cathy Sapunor - chair of Mission and Fellowship Commission
Jackie Sneed - chair of Spiritual Formation Commission

Session meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.