Session Update • May 25, 2022

Reported by Cathy Sapunor

Bethany’s Session met via Zoom May 24 with Maggie Harmon of the Presbyterian Foundation. Maggie has personally visited Bethany a few times to talk about the role of the Presbyterian Foundation and how that organization can be of assistance to this congregation. The topic of the Zoom meeting on May 24 was “Project Regeneration,” an initiative of the Presbyterian Foundation to assist congregations in decision-making about their future.

As Rev. Jesse Larson reports in this week’s “From the Pastor” message:

“Over the past several years, Bethany's Session has been wrangling with the question of Bethany's future in the face of dwindling membership, finances, and other resources. Easy answers and consensus do not come easy. Many are frustrated because we seem to be stuck; we argue over our shared vision for the future. How should we spend our money? What's to become of our building? How do we participate in mission projects when we struggle to cover our own bills? The COVID pandemic has intensified these conversations and brought to the surface many larger questions for congregations.”

A handful of churches in our Presbytery, including Bethany, have decided to partake in Project Regeneration to help us to discern what the next chapter will be for Bethany. It is a process that our entire congregation will participate in. At the end of June, we'll begin a book study together: Sailboat Church by Joan S. Gray. You'll be invited to meet in small groups every other week to discuss a chapter of the book. We'll then commit to a time of 40 days of prayer in November and December.  On January 8, the Presbyterian Foundation will host a workshop and congregational meeting for us to share our reflections about the book and our time of intensive prayer. The hope is that we will then be able to take solid steps towards a plan that makes sense for us in this unique time and place.  

You'll be hearing more about Project Regeneration over the coming weeks and months. We invite you to be part of this!

“Session” is the leadership body at a Presbyterian church. Its members are elected for three-year terms and are entrusted to lead the congregation. Elders are called to be spiritual leaders, strengthening and nurturing the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge.

Bethany’s session is currently made up of the following elders:

Pastor Jesse - moderator
Grace Ogata - clerk
Ron Carlsen - chair of Plant and Facilities
Barbara Greene - Elder at Large 
Jim Guida - chair of Worship and Arts Commission
Juli Jensen - chair of Personnel Commission
Candace Keefauver - chair of Evangelism Commission
Debbie Leibrock - chair of Budget and Stewardship
Cathy Sapunor - chair of Mission and Fellowship Commission
Jackie Sneed - chair of Spiritual Formation Commission

Session meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.