Candlelight Christmas Eve Service • Dec. 24, 2023

Rev. Jesse Larson led Bethany’s 2023 Christmas Eve candlelight service , which started at 5 p.m. Special music by Lily Baird Young and Peter Baird graced the service, which featured the retelling of the ages-old story of Christ’s birth. The Advent wreath was lit, concluding with the Christ Candle. Additional music was presented by KC Shane and Tien Duong. The church choir, led by Nga Chau and accompanied by Manh Ong on guitar and b on piano, presented the anthem “What Child is This.” Readers included Rev. Janice Kamikawa and elder Jackie Sneed.

At the close of the service, everyone sang “Joy to the World” while carrying candles outdoors. There, a two-minute period of bell-ringing, in partnership with thousands of churches around the world, took place.