Rev. Jesse Larson led today’s service, which marked the second Sunday in Advent. The Advent wreath—featuring the candle of hope—was lit by Mary Harbison and Rev. Jesse’s message focused on “what new things is God calling us to, and what God is asking us to leave behind.”
Today’s scripture was Mark 1:1-8. Special music by Sherry McHurd Hanson (viola) and John Doolittle (tenor sax), accompanied by pianist Natalya Guerrero, was featured. The Rev. Dr. Stephen Moon, director of the Presbyterian-based Mosaics ministry in Davis, presented the moment for mission.
Communion was served and the monthly collection of non-perishable goods for the SSIP Food Closet was taken.
Hymns, accompanied by Natalya Guerrero, included:
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
People, Look East
While We Are Waiting, Come
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Art: Rev. John “Stushie” Stuart