Sunday Service • Nov. 22, 2020 • Pledge Dedication & Thanksgiving Sunday


Rev. Jesse Larson starts today’s online service with a reading of Jonah 2:1-10—the “psalm of thanksgiving” prayed by Jonah after being swallowed by a whale. Jesse tells how Jonah was asked by God to preach to the town of Nineveh … something way out of his comfort level … and he went to sea instead, and ended up in the belly of a whale. While trapped, he had time to rethink priorities.

In his message, Rev. Jesse talks about taking time ourselves—in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic—to inventory our lives and experiences. When we give thanks, we do see the world with clearer vision. 

Music by pianist Natalya Amelchenko includes:

  • Come, Thou Almighty King

  • Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

  • Glorify Thy Name

  • All Creatures of Our God and King

  • O Worship the King

  • Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

Click on the cross (below) to see the special decorations. The. “special feature” is a brief video offering you a personal time of contemplation and thanksgiving.