Sunday Service • November 1, 2020 • All Saints Day

Bethany's annual All Saints Day service begins with a reading of Matthew 5: 1-12 — the beatitudes," or "blessings," which Jesus proclaimed in his famed Sermon on the Mount. During today's service—in which we honor loved ones who have passed away—Rev. Jesse Larson talks about faith in God during trying times, including loss of loved ones.

"God's promised abundance is all around us. May we seek it out, engaging all creation for the joy that it brings. … lights to illuminate the path, especially when death can be so dark and heavy … God’s promises may not heal your pain, or it may take a long time, but they give us strength and hope." 

Names of Bethany family and friends who lost their lives in the prior year are read aloud, and Rev. Jesse serves communion. You may wish to follow along at home with a beverage and bread. 

Among the musical pieces presented by pianist Natalya Amelchenko are "Amazing Grace," "The Old Rugged Cross" and "More Love to Thee, O Christ."