Sunday Service • October 25, 2020 • Reformation Sunday

Today’s online worship service begins with a reading from Luke 18: 9-14. Rev. Jesse speaks about the "reformed" Christian tradition that was brought about by Martin Luther in the year 1517. Martin Luther dramatically promoted changes that resulted in the formation of the Protestant branch of Christianity, to which Presbyterians belong.

Jesse tells of the Presbyterian Church and what it means to be a Presbyterian. Essentially, this calls for embracing an open, questioning, learning and forgiving approach to life.

"We know that we are imperfect … so we strive to keep growing, and adapting, and seeking out what the Holy Spirit is doing in the here and now."

Among the musical pieces played by pianist Natalya Amelchenko are "I Come to the Garden Alone," "The Church's One Foundation," and a hymn set to words Martin Luther himself penned around 1529: "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."

The sanctuary is decorated in Scottish style today to honor the Scottish roots of the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Jesse enjoyed a taste of shortbread cookies prepared using the authentic recipe of Bethany member Myra Cowan. You can view/download the recipe here.