Friends in Faith:
This Sunday, November 5, we'll be celebrating "All Saints Day." We'll be looking at a text from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. You will also have the opportunity to light a candle for a loved one who has passed away. We'll be celebrating the Lord's Supper, so if you are worshiping from home, be sure to have some bread and wine/juice on hand. The ancestors will be with us—as they always are!
Natalya begins playing our “gathering music” at 10:20 a.m. You can also join virtually here: Facebook Live. More details about worship can be found here.
Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour on Saturday night ("fall back"). You don't want to show up for church an hour early!
Our second annual "Trunk or Treat Extravaganza" was a huge success! More than 600 children and parents from throughout the community showed up for this fun event. It’s amazing that a congregation of Bethany’s size, in partnership with the SSIP Food Closet, could pull off such a successful event. You can read more here - as well as see lots of photos! So many wonderful volunteers helped to make this event a grand success …
Special thanks go to:
Trunk or Treat cars—Candace Keefauver and KC Shane, Nang Luong, Susan Just and Mike Sutton, Juli Jensen and Lennard Sielaff, Sherry McHurd Hanson, Tom Uhrhammer, Janet Peiker, Sherilyn Heartman Knoll, Grace Ogata Beutler, Christine and Yosihai Medina, and the SSIP van.
Set-up—Manh Ong, Mike Sutton, Susan Just, Tony Aiello, John Aiello, Marcie Hettenbach
Ice cream servers—Barbara Greene, Wendy Aiello, Kathy Frank, JoMcHurd
Book giveaway and information—Jackie Sneed, Marcie Hettenbach
Photographer—Howard McMackin
Crafts—Ingrid Garcia
Drums—Ben Ofori
Misc. tasks and clean-up—Sammi Fernandez, Tracy Yates, Sherry Hanson, Marcie Hettenbach, Kathy Frank, Susan Just, Mike Sutton, Jim Guida, Mark Strack
Security and insurance arrangements—Debbie Leibrock
Publicity—Candace Keefauver and Cathy Sapunor
Donations of candy and supplies—Cindy Alei, Jim Davis, Ingrid Garcia, Wendy Aiello, Sammi Fernandez, Cathy Sapunor, SSIP Food Closet partner merchants
The big inflatable dragon was set up by Tony Aiello for the enjoyment of everyone.
Friday, November 3 is Bob Betts' memorial service at 11 a.m.
November is Stewardship Month—stay tuned for details!
Sunday, November 5 is All Saints Day—we'll remember those who have gone on to be with God, light candles for loved ones, and share in communion together. The choir will also be singing! Please note that November 5 is also the day when daylight saving time ends.
On the first Sunday of Advent, November 26, I will be preaching at a new Vietnamese ministry in Stockton. All Bethany folks are welcome to join, but Jim Guida and Natalya will offer worship in our sanctuary for those who'd like to stay closer to home. Details to follow.
In November and December, the spiritual formation class will be focusing on the "Gifts of the Spirit"—each class will offer a special practice that we'll all learn about together. We'll continue to meet on Monday mornings at 10 a.m. Each class concludes with a free lunch! The group will meet:
November 6
November 20
December 4
December 18
As the conflict rages on in Gaza/Israel, so many of us, myself included, feel overwhelmed by what seems like such an intractable situation. Both sides have justification for their rage, fear, and grief. Sherry Hanson shared with me a post from her friend, Janessa Gans Wilder, who has spent a lot of time in the Middle East. It's a good read. You can find it here. I especially like her closing poem:
Everybody’s hurting.
“But you started it.”
We could debate that answer for a thousand years.
Everybody’s hurting.
“But we’re hurting more than you.”
Why compete over pain?
Everybody’s hurting.
“But our lives are worth more than yours.”
A human being is a human being.
Everybody’s hurting.
“But you want to destroy me.”
Someday we’ll see that destroying you, destroys me.
Everybody’s hurting.
—Janessa Gans Wilder,
As a church family, we are a community that is committed to caring for one another. One of the ways that we can support one another, loved ones and strangers, near and far, is to offer our prayers on their behalf. We share our prayers because we care for one another, and we know that God listens and cares for all of God's children. If you have a joy or concern to share, please let me know; and if it is a confidential matter, please be sure to let them know. And don't forget that we have a prayer team who is committed to praying for any and all prayer concerns that come forward. You can reach out to Barbara Greene with your prayer concerns and she'll share them with the prayer team.
Hear our prayers, O Lord!
Peace to all.