Book study

"Samurai's Garden" is Summer 2020 Book Study

Join us for a book study of S.F. Bay Area author Gail Tsukiyama’s acclaimed 1994 novel The Samurai’s Garden. We’ll meet in an outdoor, socially distant-appropriate setting (or you can participate through Zoom) three Thursdays at 10 a.m.:

  • July 9

  • July 16

  • July 23

You can attend any or all of the sessions. 

Location: Home of Cathy Sapunor. Contact the church office for directions or Zoom log-in details.

Wear your mask. Chair and table surfaces will be sanitized before each gathering. We will have ample shade, but please bring your own water because you know how warm these Sacramento mornings can get! Probably fewer than 8 people will be in attendance.

Books (good-quality used paperback) will be available for $6 each starting June 30.

Set in Japan in days leading up to WW II, The Samurai’s Garden features romance . . . a story of isolation due to illness  . . . and memorable characters struggling with prejudice, distrust and anxiety . . . set amidst the appreciation of nature — making it an ideal read for the turbulent and uncertain times of our 2020 summer.

To sign up, send an e-mail indicating your interest. Let us know if you need a book ordered for you.

“An extraordinary graceful and moving novel about goodness and beauty. Tsukiyama is a wise and spellbinding storytelling.” —Booklist

The book study will be co-led by Rev. Janice Kamikawa and Cathy Sapunor. 

All are invited to attend.