Christ's Resurrection Celebrated on Easter Sunday, March 31

Easter Sunday at Bethany was celebrated with a rousing worship service, which included an “Easter Egg Scramble” for the children. Pastor Jesse Larson delivered an inspirational message about rebirth and resurrection in our own lives, and in the life of Bethany Church.

The children’s moment was delivered by Jim Guida, who told the kids how the Easter egg tradition came about.

The anthem “He Lives” was presented by the Bethany Choir, under the direction of Barbara Greene and accompanied by Natalya Guerrero and Manh Van Ong. The father-daughter duo of Peter Baird and Lily Baird Young performed an arrangement of the classic hymn “In the Garden.”

Communion, presided over by Rev. Jesse and Rev. Janice Kamikawa, was served. The annual “One Great Hour of Sharing” offering was collected. A rousing postlude of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” concluded the service.

An informal Easter brunch was served following the service, thanks to Bethany’s Fellowship Commission volunteers. The social time included a cake in honor of Cathy Sapunor, who shared a birthday this year with Easter.

Many thanks to Wendy Aiello for again providing the beautiful Easter lily plants that adorned the sanctuary.