Holy Week Helpers at the Food Closet

Five church members and friends lent a hand April 3 at Bethany’s Holy Week Food Closet volunteer morning. They prepared products for packaging, filled bags and boxes with produce and canned goods, helped unload the donation trucks, and transported food to clients’ cars for them.

Nancy Disher, hunger action advocate for North Central California Presbytery, popped by to see our volunteers at work.

On this particular day, about 150 people received food at the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet, which is located at Bethany.

Bethany has pledged to provide five volunteers on every fifth Monday. “Five on the fifth”—easy to remember and easy to participate! This Monday was in lieu of the fifth Monday in May (Memorial Day) when the Food Closet will be closed. The next “five on the fifth” volunteer morning will be July 31. Watch for sign-ups!

Many thanks to volunteers Manh Van Ong and Nga Chau, Marcie Hettenbach, Barbara Aberasturi and Arin Aberasturi.

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