Church Retreat Attended by 30 People August 11-13

Bethany’s 2023 Friends & Family Retreat took place last weekend (August 11-13) at scenic Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center, located on the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe. The participants shared creative activities and experiences as they learned about the Jerusalem and its role as a birthplace of great world religions. The theme of the retreat, which was led by Rev. Judy Davis, was “Jerusalem: A Holy Paradox.”

Joining Rev. Judy in leading retreat sessions were Joy and Peter Baird and Trisha Uhrhammer. Children’s activities were provided by Cathy Sapunor. Rev. Jesse Larson, Rev. Judy Davis and Rev. Janice Kamikawa served communion at the Sunday morning service. On Saturday evening, everyone gathered at the Donaldson Amphitheatre for a sunset vespers service, at which several retreat attendees presented scripture passages.

Many thanks to the planning committee which worked very hard to prepare this annual event: Peter Baird, Joy Bonds-Baird, Rev. Judy Davis, Marilee Keene, Cathy Sapunor and Trisha Uhrhammer.