Live Outdoor Worship Services Continue

Due to the success of Bethany’s outdoor Easter Sunday service, the church will continue to hold outdoor services in the south parking lot for the next few weeks.

  • To help reduce set-up/take-down time, you are encouraged to bring your own folding chair.

  • Wear your mask and be prepared for all types of weather (hats and sunscreen in case of heat, umbrellas in case of rain!)

  • Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell or running a fever.

  • Everyone participating in person will be asked to check in upon arrival so we can keep track for safety’s sake.

  • Also, as an additional safety precaution, there will be no formal “social time” after church. Perhaps someday coffee will be back on our agenda!

Services will be available for viewing at home live on Facebook or later Sunday night on the website.

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