Administrative Commission Update • May 14, 2024

Dear Friends and Members of Bethany,

During this time of ministry transition we want you to know that you are not alone. You have brothers and sisters praying for you, partnering with you, and looking forward as you seek God's guidance and blessings.

There will be challenges to face and new directions to set. And as our Lord leads, we will approach them in the hope, creativity, and power of God's Holy Spirit.

At the end of April you said good-bye to your pastor of the last four years.

Right now your elders are working together to direct Bethany's week-to-week ministry, and we are grateful for their thoughtful and dedicated leadership. They will undertake all of the necessary roles of church management, and will lead well through this time of change.

In June we will hold conversations for congregation members to share your hearts and minds on the matters of ministry design and future plans. More about those gatherings will be coming soon.

In June, it will also be my privilege to worship with you and bring a series of messages titled "Hope Alive!"

Please be praying for your leadership team as they work with the Administrative Commission to chart the courses ahead. And please encourage each other and stand together in unity and faith.

As questions or concerns arise please feel free to bring them to the Administrative Commission as well as to the serving Bethany Session members.

Listed below you will find the names and roles of the members of your leadership team who are managing your ministry. Along with the Administrative Commission, they are the ones who can provide accurate and dependable information.

Finally, we wish you the blessings that the author of Hebrews wrote so long ago.  Dear brothers and sisters of Bethany Presbyterian Church, "...may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in you that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Rev. Rick Hull
For the Administrative Commission


          Rev. W. Rick Hull, Chair
          Rev. Jason Ku
          Deb Kanner
          Aaron Truong
          Barbara Greene

          Ron Carlsen, Building
          Susan Just, Reaching Out Ministry
          Candace Keefauver, Evangelism, Budget
          Jacquelyn Sneed, Spiritual Formation
          Grace Ogata-Beutler, Clerk of AC/Session

          Debbie Leibrock
          Marilee Keene
          Susan Just

          Cathy Sapunor, Chair
          Jacquelyn Sneed
          Barbara Greene

          Mark Strack
          Ron Carlsen

          Barbara Greene
