The Call for a Congregational Meeting
At a meeting of the AC/Session for Bethany Presbyterian Church, held on Sunday, December 22, 2024, a congregational meeting was formally called for Sunday, January 12, 2025, to be held in the Sanctuary immediately after worship.
The purpose of this meeting is to hear three possible pathways for the future of Bethany's ministry and mission which are the result of close to three years of study and discernment—and to express support for one of the three.
A letter was sent to every member of Bethany Presbyterian Church on Friday, December 27th providing information about the upcoming meeting and encouraging the congregation to enter a season of prayer, considering the possible pathways forward, and seeking God's specific leading for this beloved church fellowship.
On Sunday, January 12th, the Congregational Meeting will take place in the Sanctuary immediately following worship. The Administrative Commission will moderate the meeting and will answer any procedural questions that may arise, as well as offering clarity, where needed, on issues under discussion.
The AC will neither speak for nor against any of the three possible pathways. This meeting is solely for Bethany members to express the way in which they see God leading.
There will be protocols of courtesy that allow for members to ask questions and to express support for particular pathways.
After discussions are completed, members will be asked to indicate their preference for one of the three pathways forward using a private ballot. The results of this expression of support will be announced at the conclusion of the meeting.
The Administrative Commission will, with love and good will, faithfully report the congregation's choices at the February 1st meeting of the presbytery which commissioned this discernment study.
Please be in prayer, knowing that the AC is in those prayers with you. We look forward to finding our Lord's perfect leading for Bethany's next steps forward.
Standing with you for Christ and His Kingdom,
The Administrative Commission