... bringing light to the darkness.

Last Sunday, Rev. Elias Burgos again graced us with his presence in the pulpit. He retold the story of Jesus turning water into wine—his first miracle, one performed at the request of his mother. He and she were both guests at a wedding, and she was concerned for the reputation of the host family that was fast running out of wine. What a huge breach of etiquette this could turn out to be!

Rev. Elias emphasized how the beliefs of all those who unwittingly helped—by filling empty jugs with water at Jesus's command—were changed when, a few minutes later, they poured back out out not water but delicious wine. He told those present at the worship service, "The Gospel tells you what He can do ... what WE can do ... when we are running out of something."

He asked everyone, "What are you, as a person, running out of this week? This year?"
And he reminded us that God can restore and replenish us. Just like Mary, who knew in her heart that her son could make things right, we should always have faith.

Emptiness can be filled. Water can become wine. And, as Rev. Elias concluded, "If there is some darkness in your life, light can come."

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

Cathy Betts Sapunor

Cathy is currently a Bethany elder and member of the Presbyterian Communicators Network.