Poor little February. Only 28 days in duration, it’s the shortest of all the months. But this little runt of the litter contains one of the most endearing holidays—Valentine’s Day. We get an entire day devoted to the appreciation of love!
AND every four years—Leap Year—we get 366 days (not 365) and Shorty February gets the honor of hosting it. Leap Year asks—no, demands—that we do something meaningful with our extra day.
What will YOU do with your 24 extra hours? You could write overdue letters to family and friends. You could grocery shop for items to give to the food closet. You could visit someone whose health makes it hard to get out of the house. You could learn the name of your mail carrier (coffee barista, gas station attendant, credit union teller, et. al.) and begin greeting him/her personally. You could pray. Oh yes, please do pray. The world, as troubled as ever, desperately needs your prayers.
On February 29, do what you can to bring about understanding, friendship, peace and love.
Take a leap … into greater love.