… giving thanks.

This is historically the month for giving thanks. For food on the table, for family and friends, for paychecks, for roofs over our heads. But for every blessing we can count, we can recall even more terrible, embarrassing, dangerous, thoughtless, angry or foolish things we have done. Years later, we are still pointing blame at ourselves and considering ourselves unworthy of God’s care and comfort. But God accepts us just as we are, because He knows our human struggles and frailties. (He made us in His image, after all!) You are the total sum of your experiences; they’ve made you the person you are today. Take time this month to number not just blessings, but how far in life you have come — and what you have overcome — and are, through the grace of God, becoming.



Cathy Betts Sapunor

Cathy is currently a Bethany elder and member of the Presbyterian Communicators Network.