Rev. Judy Davis and Rev. Janice Kamikawa led today’s service, which observed the second Sunday in Lent—the time leading up to Easter—with a special emphasis on Wholeness, Healing and Prayer. Everyone present received a personal blessing. Scripture readings included Mark 2: 1-12 (when Jesus healed a paralyzed man) and John 4: 1-15 (when Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well).
Rev, Judy’s message was entitled “Faith and Healing” and the message presented by Rev. Janice was “Jesus Had to Go Through Samaria.”
Hymns, accompanied by Barbara Greene and Cathy Sapunor (piano) and Manh Ong (guitar), included:
As The Deer
There Is A Balm in Gilead
Spirit of Gentleness
The anthem “Shepherd Me, O God” was presented by Cathy Sapunor.