Worship Service • September 3, 3023

Rev. Janice Kamikawa led today’s service, assisted by Cathy Sapunor as liturgist. Scripture readings included Psalm 1 and Galatians 5: 1a, 13, 16A, 22-25.

The topic of Rev. Kamikawa’s sermon was “Cultivating Our Hearts.”

The anthem was presented as a duet by Sherry McHurd Hanson on the viola and Natalya Amelcheno Guerrero on the piano.

Joining Natalya Guerrero in accompanying hymns were both Sherry Hanson and guitarist Manh Ong. Hymns included:

  • We are God’s People

  • In the Singing, In the Silence

  • Come! Live in the Light (We Are Called)

Communion was served and the monthly collection of canned and packaged goods for the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet was taken.