Worship Service • October 16, 2022 • Taizé

Rev. Jesse Larson led today’s service, which was based on the ancient tradition of Taizé, a spiritual practice consisting of music, contemplation and prayer. The practice of Lectio Divina—or “repetitive reading/listening”—was followed as the scriptural reading Luke 19:1-10 was presented three separate times by three different readers. Joining Rev. Larson as readers were Jackie Sneed and Mary Harbison. Taizé-type songs were led by Rev. Larson, Jackie Sneed and Cathy Sapunor. The songs included:

  • Father, I Adore You

  • The Lord Is My Light

  • Be Still and Know That I Am God

  • Dona Nobis Pachem

Musical arrangements were presented by pianist Natalya Amelchenko.

Following the service, those present were invited to walk the specially created prayer labyrinth—also an ancient tradition—on the church patio.