Worship Service • Baptism of the Lord Sunday • Jan. 17, 2021

At today’s service—observed as “Baptism of the Lord Sunday”—Rev. Jesse Larson reads the scripture passage Mark 1: 4-11, in which John baptizes Jesus. Rev. Jesse’s message addresses what it means to be a Christian in strife-filled times like these. The meaningful event of baptism signals the start of repentance and renewal—turning away from sin and toward the teachings and examples set by Jesus. Love and peace—NOT hatred and division—are the hallmarks of Christianity. Now, he says, is the time to stand up and embrace the promises to Christ that we made in our own baptisms.  Moreover, the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s, birthday reminds of us this courageous leader’s remarks: “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”

Pianist Natalya Amelchenko provides classical and contemporary favorites, including two hymns for “singing along at home” — Spirit of the Living God and Amazing Grace.