Worship Service • Feb. 21, 2021 • First Sunday in Lent


Frustration and anger ... too often leading to violence and crime ... are unfortunately becoming commonplace. During these times of global pandemic, economic crises, political schisms and more, many of us are carrying around lots of excess baggage that can cause us to snap at just about anything.

Reading from Luke 10:25-37, Rev. Jesse Larson retells Jesus’s parable about an injured man rescued not by a priest or upstanding citizen, but by someone unexpected—a person from the despised and put-down Samaritan tribe. It’s easy to love those who think like us, harder to love—even tolerate—this who don’t. Yet the Samaritan went out of his way to aid a stranger in need.

Lent is a season of reflection and prayer and repentance. The challenge to us is to replace the anger and hatred in our hearts with empathy, grace and love.

Pianist Natalya Amelchenko presents: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days and The Summons (“Will You Come and Follow Me?”)

Today’s communion table decorations honor Jesus’s start as a humble carpenter. Click here to view the table.