Focus Groups Help Anwer Questions, Collect Ideas

Several dozen Bethany members and friends gathered in June for two very informative sessions in the Social Hall. Facilitated by Rev. Rick Hull, chair of the Presbytery Administrative Commission (AC), the meetings took place after the June 9 and 23 worship services.

Among the questions asked of participants were:
• What brings you joy in the Bethany ministry?
• What are some memorable events in Bethany history?
• What do you hope for in the future?
• What causes you to worry about the future?
• What is your vision for ministry at Bethany?
• What is the meaning of ministry at Bethany?

These are just the first of what will be a series of gatherings to help map Bethany’s future as a congregation. Stay tuned for details about the next meeting!

In the meantime, you can keep abreast of the combined work of the Presbytery’s Administrative Commission, working alongside the Bethany Shepherds (formerly known as the Session), by watching for regular updates by the AC. These are posted on the church website and also sent via e-mail to members and the extended church family. If you would like to receive these via U.S. mail, please call the church office.