Bethany Serves at Annual “Hot Cocoa Ministry” Nov. 22

Those in the community who waited in a long (and chilly!) line for Thanksgiving groceries at the SSIP Food Closet on November 22 received a warm welcome from Bethany members and friends.

Cocoa and goodies were prepared in the church kitchen and personally served to several hundred Food Closet clients. The Hot Cocoa Ministry tradition at Bethany originated more than two decades ago, when the church youth group served hot beverages to—and prayed with—homeless individuals living in San Francisco’s Tenderloin District. Hot Cocoa Ministry was repeated by Bethany youth a few times on the streets of downtown Sacramento. Bethany has been presenting the Hot Cocoa Ministry for Food Closet clients for more than 10 years.

Many thanks to those who came to the church for bake day on Monday (Jackie Sneed, Mark Strack, Rev. Jesse Larson and Cathy Sapunor) and all of those who showed up for prep and serving on Tuesday: Rowena Frick, Jim Guida, Marcie Hettenbach, Alex Medina, Jackie Sneed, Haley Strack, Jordyn Strack, Mark Strack and Tom Uhrhammer. And special thanks to Sammi Fernandez, Jackie Sneed, Cathy Sapunor and Cindy Alei for donating baking supplies and cocoa!