Help Jessie Carter Strike Out Against Hunger!

Bethany member—and bowler extraordinaire—Jessie Carter is holding a “virtual bowl-a-thon” to raise funds for the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet.

The SSIP Food Closet has been forced to cancel its annual live, in-person bowl-a-thon for the second year due to COVID-19 restrictions. But Jessie is not letting that stand in her way!

Your donation, no matter how small, will go a long way toward feeding the more than 10,000 individuals who rely on the Food Closet each month for emergency supplies of groceries. Here’s how to give!

  • You can send a check to Bethany Presbyterian Church, 5625-24th Street, Sacramento, CA 95822. Make your check payable to SSIP and indicate your gift is for Jessie’s bowl-a-thon.

  • You can give a donation online. Indicate that your gift is for the SSIP Food Closet/Jessie Carter bowl-a-thon.

  • You can also help by keeping Food Closet clients in your prayers!