Dear Brothers and Sisters of Bethany,
Last Sunday the Administrative Commission shared its findings and recommendations for the future of this beloved church fellowship.
Many had feared that the Presbytery intended to close the church, but the substance of the AC report was quite the opposite. While a variety of factors have contributed to the decline of the church over many years, and at this moment the church is not sustainable under present conditions, it is not necessary to close.
And, in fact, there is a model of how to be a vital small church. Churches adopting this model have made healthy changes by streamlining programs, simplifying operating systems, reducing property and financial burdens, and focusing on the aspects of ministry and mission that are manageable for very small groups of workers.
The Administrative Commission believes that Bethany can make the changes that keep the church alive and focused on the things that members insist really matter—worship, prayer, study, fellowship, and limited mission engagement.
As the AC shared the report that it is presenting to the Presbytery, there were of course questions. And so we left a printed summary version of our report with each person who attended the meeting. If you were not able to be with us, you can request a personal copy through the church office and Elder Susan Just.
The report to the Presbytery is long and detailed. The summary we presented is shorter and readable. And it concludes with three possible pathways that church members may choose to walk. They are:
Adopting the small church model —which involves releasing the burdens of church property oversight and changing some leadership systems to make church life and program more manageable for a very small group of workers, and reducing the expectations of the church ministry while maintaining the truly important aspects of the Bethany mission.
Choosing to close the church and leaving the property and assets as a living Bethany legacy in the Presbytery—with remnant members transferred to the care and fellowship of other churches in the Presbytery.
Deciding to remain in the current church life conditions, without significant church system changes, making use of current resources, and depending on the existing leadership to address identified ministry challenges, with the opportunity to seek specific Presbytery assistance (or another AC) in the future.
At the conclusion of the AC report it was noted that only the Bethany congregation can choose its pathway. And in the days ahead a choice must be made.
The extensive recommendations of the AC are now before the church. And the pathway that the congregation chooses will be faithfully reported to the Presbytery.
While pathway number one is our recommendation, the choice will be made by Bethany. And we encourage all Bethany members to enter a season of prayer, seeking God's leading for the future. We will certainly be praying with you!
In the days ahead, the AC, acting as your Session, will call for a formal congregational meeting at which the active members can express their choice of pathways. The AC will moderate the discussion, but the members will share their evaluation of the options, their hopes, their views - and the choice that they feel Bethany should be making.
Whatever the future may hold—and whatever your choice may be—please know that the AC, and indeed our brothers and sisters across the Presbytery of North Central California, hope to walk with you in it.
We wish you a Blessed Christmas as you decide for the future.
Standing with you always in Christ,
The Administrative Commission