Day 28

Open your mind and heart to God’s presence and guidance.

Matthew 16:13-28

Focus Verse:
“You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (v. 18).

Listening to God:
”Never doubt that there is an Adversary who is eager to bring you down and many others with you. In fact, if you are about my business in this world you can expect all kinds of opposition. Don’t waste too much time fighting against these things. The opposition is too powerful for you. Instead, trust in my promise that the powers of hell and death will never prevail against my church and my chosen ones. Faithfully put on all the armor that I have provided for you, and the Adversary cannot touch you. Keep on being filled with my Spirit every day, and you will be saved.”

Listen in silence. Quiet your mind by letting go of sounds and thoughts as they occur, seeking a silent space for God’s word to you.

Write or say your own prayer.