Day 23

Open your mind and heart to God’s presence and guidance.

Luke 14:15-24

Focus Verse:
“Come; for everything is ready now. But they all alike began to make excuses” (vv. 17, 18).

Listening to God:
”I have prepared wonderful things for you—a veritable feast of blessings and joys. Why don’t you show up to claim them? You keep busy with your “to-do list’ and put me last on the agenda. I, however, continue to invite. Try putting the to-do list aside for a while and spend time with me. My greatest gifts are given to those who do this. I can make it all go so much better than you ever dreamed. As you rest in my presence, I will give you everything you need.”

Listen in silence. Quiet your mind by letting go of sounds and thoughts as they occur, seeking a silent space for God’s word to you.

Write or say your own prayer.