Day 12

Open your mind and heart to God’s presence and guidance.

Matthew 11:20-30

Focus Verse:
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (v. 28).

Listening to God:
Your walk with me was never meant to be a weary slog. If you are feeling worn out and overburdened, check your load to make sure that you are not carrying things I have not called you to carry. When you get in the yoke with me, I always provide what you need to carry the load. When you load yourself up and try to go it alone, I can’t help you. Try putting the things that are making you weary in my hands right now. Call on me to do what only I can do. I will give you rest.”

Listen in silence. Quiet your mind by letting go of sounds and thoughts as they occur, seeking a silent space for God’s word to you.

Write or say your own prayer.