Open your mind and heart to God’s presence and guidance.
Mark 1:14-20
Focus Verse:
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news” (v. 15).
Listening to God:
”I want to do something new in you and in your church. This new thing is of a piece with what I have been doing with you, but it is also fresh and different. I want you to turn away from your contentment with the way things are and ask me what I want you to be doing. I want you to partner with me now, not next week or next year. There are people all around you who need what only I can give. Let me use you to be good news to them.”
Listen in silence. Quiet your mind by letting go of sounds and thoughts as they occur, seeking a silent space for God’s word to you.
Write or say your own prayer.