Open your mind and heart to God’s presence and guidance.
Acts 17:16-33
Focus Verse:
“Indeed he is not far from each one of us. For ‘In him we love and move and have our being’” (vv. 27, 28).
Listening to God:
“Know that right at this moment, I am very close to you. The air that you are breathing is a gift from me. The ability to turn a page or read a sentence comes to you right now from my loving hands. It grieves me when you act as though I am far away. You give me great joy when you recognize our intimacy and live like a son or daughter of God. I desire your good as a mother desires good for her infant. Trust me and don’t be afraid.”
Listen in silence. Quiet your mind by letting go of sounds and thoughts as they occur, seeking a silent space for God’s word to you.
Write or say your own prayer.