Bethany Volunteered at Food Closet April 29, 2024

SEVEN Bethany members and friends showed up at the church Food Closet volunteer morning on April 29 to lend a hand. They prepared products for packaging, filled bags and boxes with produce and canned goods, helped unload the donation trucks, and transported food to clients’ cars for them.

On this day, about 150 people received food at the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet, which is located at Bethany.

Bethany has pledged to provide at least five volunteers on every fifth Monday. “Five on the fifth”—easy to remember and easy to participate!

The next Food Closet volunteer morning will be Monday, July 29. But you needn’t wait ‘til then to help. Volunteers are needed five days a week. Contact Cathy Sapunor to schedule an orientation and “try it out” morning to see if this kind of volunteer work is something you enjoy.

Many thanks to volunteers Bruce Alei, Cindy Alei, Diana Bachelor and friend Carlyne, Peter Baird, Manh Van Ong and Kathy Kingsbury. They joined Bethany member Marcie Hettenbach, who works regularly at the Food Closet. Click here to see photos!